Monday, March 30, 2020

Challenges faced by people due to Lockdown

The sad reality is coronavirus aka covid-19 is spreading very quickly and will continue to spread for coming next weeks or even months. Covid-19 has not only increased the problem of the people, country, but the whole world looks helpless before this manometer size virus. The virus is challenging everyone irrespective of their status.

As we have earlier discussed what is a coronavirus and the state-wise stats of this on our recent blog.

Now, we are here to discuss what steps have been taken by the government recently and the challenges of the same. The Prime Minister has announced 21-days lockdown across the country. Some states have already imposed an indefinite state-wide curfew to combat coronavirus.

Lockdown is to prevent the disease from spreading. As our Prime Minister already discussed that we need to unite to breakdown the chain of the virus by maintaining the social distancing.
But this also increases the problems for the people. As the lockdown was not pre-planned, it has created a lot of problems for the people. Many stuck away from their homes and they are trying to get back to their hometowns desperately, especially the migrant workers or blue collar workers whose source of income has completely vanished due to this situation. Lockdown has not brought the same turmoil for everyone. The rich people are enjoying lockdown with their families sitting inside their houses, playing games or cooking. Whereas, for daily wage workers situation is getting worse by passing days. Because as we discussed their income becomes 0 and no enough food is available in their kitchens to fulfill the needs of their families.

1. Due to no pre-information of lockdown, people have stuck away from their houses and not able to return and. There is chaos, confusion situation like many major bus stands/highways where many people have assembled to board buses or whatever convenience is available to their hometowns(latest example is Anand vihar ISBT on 28th march night, approximately 15000 inter-state migrant workers gather to go to their hometowns Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan).

2. Blue collar workers or people who work in informal sectors where social security benefits and paid leave are an exception, not the norm. They are incompetent to fulfill their basic needs. Daily wage workers whose source of income now become nill ( eg rikshavala, thelevala) who earned 1000-1200 per day by doing their respective jobs become jobless.

3. Hooligans might create challenging situations if the government won’t be able to fulfill the needs of the people who are worst hit by lockdown decision. The problem arises with food, earning and basic commodities. In some places where water comes in water tanks, due to shutdown, people are searching for water cans. The shortage of food is now going to start as the workers working in mandis or warehouses to load and unload are returning to their hometowns. The cooked meal is provided by the government is not good for the kids, infants or old age people of their families.

Some Statistician and Experts claiming that if govt. won't be able to handle the food shortage issue among the needy people, especially migrant and daily wage workers; chances that there will be riots and mass robbery like situations in different parts of India. In case of survival, where it is difficult for their families, there had been incidents in the past, where people did not hesitate to adopt illegal paths, crimes to fulfill their basic needs. The lockdown state seems to create a similar situation for the people who have completely lost their income." statistician claims that"

Hope that all the promises made by the government should be fulfilled and not only remain limited in the paper because many time it happened. But the situation this time is very different. We all need to come together and we shall overcome this situation. The only thing matters are “Right Information pass” to everyone by all mode of information.

Follow government instruction, stay home, wash hands, eat clean, take care

1 comment:

  1. Govt. has so many plans to help the needy but the money does not come to their pocket. I am afraid most of the aids and donation amounts will be handled corruptly by politicians and top officials. Coronavirus has brought lots of income opportunities for social media influencers,youtubers, corrupt politicians.
